TailwindCSS makes it easy to create a basic site layout, but what about some loading animation to give your site a little something? There are many ways to achieve this, but here's a little setup with Tailwind that I've used on my articles index page...
Start by adding the animation definition to the /tailwind.config.js file - this is where we create our new animation class that we can then apply anywhere in our site.
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
keyframes: {
"fade-in-up": {
"0%": {
opacity: "0",
transform: "translateY(4em) rotate(-12deg)",
"100%": {
opacity: "1",
transform: "translateY(0) rotate(0deg)",
animation: {
"fade-in-up": "fade-in-up 1.0s ease-out",
Then we just apply that new animation class in our HTML template.
{% for piece in data.pieces %}
<article class="animate-fade-in-up">
... Some content here
{% endfor %}
And now we have a loading animation...
You can see the effect in action by just browsing to /articles