
A NodeJS API structure

Gary Bailey - Jan, 30 2022

Setting up the project Next we start building out the architecture in the server-middleware folder. It can seem a lot for just one endpoint, but...

Nuxt with MSAL Popup auth

Gary Bailey - Jan, 30 2022

Setting up your new project npm init nuxt-app <project-name> Note this will ALSO create a subfolder of <project-name> The installation process...

Another way to run node on windows

Gary Bailey - Jan, 30 2022

The story so far...  We already have our Nuxt application up and running on a Windows 2019 server, and we have IIS configured as a reverse proxy.  So...

Nuxt Alongside IIS

Gary Bailey - Jan, 30 2022

The back story Once upon a time, everything was written in .NET - applications were monolithic and complex, but everything was compiled which meant...

CI/CD with Azure pipelines and Github

Gary Bailey - Jan, 30 2022

A few notes... Use npm ci  instead of "install" - it means that the package-lock.json file is used to control what libraries are installed, so you...

Github with CI/CD

Gary Bailey - Jan, 30 2022

CI/CD has to be the best creation in development since we moved away from punchcards!  Here's how I've been implementing CICD in my Github projects...